Para 6-4 44
44. Tighten the bolts to 9 to 11 pound feet (12 to 15 Nm)
(16) Install the components into bore L (fig. 6-7), in
the sequence indicated by numbers 41, 42 and 43.
(17) Install valve plug 71 (B, foldout 16). Compress
(7) Install the components into bore G (fig. 6-7), in
the spring, and install retainer pin 72 into the valve body
the sequence indicated by numbers 23, 24 and 25.
to retain valve plug 71.
Install pin 100 (B, foldout 16) to retain stop 25 (fig. 6-7).
(18) Install components into bore M (fig. 6-6), in the
(8) Install the components into bore H (fig. 6-7), in
sequence indicated by numbers 44, 45 and 46.
the sequence indicated by numbers 26, 27 and 28.
(19) Install components into bore N (fig. 6-7) of the
(9) Install valve stop 95 (B, foldout 16). Compress
modulator valve body, in the sequence indicated by
the spring, and install retainer pin 96 into valve body 24
numbers 47 through 52. Adjusting ring 50 must be
to retain valve stop 95.
installed flat side first and at the same position as before
removal. Retainer pin 52 must pass through the hole in
valve stop 51, and seat in the same grooves in adjusting
In earlier models valve stop 95 consisted of two
ring 50 as before removal.
separate pieces.
(20) Install the components into bore R (fig. 6-7) in
proper sequence. Install valve 61, spring 62, stop 63
and retainer pin 64. Aline stop 63 and the valve body for
(10) Install the components into bore I (fig. 6-7), in
correct retainer pin installation.
the sequence indicated by numbers 29 through 32. Aline
the pin hole in valve stop 32 with the pin holes in the
(21) Install governor screen assembly 59 (fig. 6-7),
valve body.
open end first, into bore Q. Retain the screen assembly
with plug 60, tightened to 50 to 60 inch pounds (5. 6 to
(11) Install adjusting ring 91 (B, foldout 16), flat side
first and at same position as before removal. Compress
the spring, and install retainer pin 92 into the valve body
(22) Install components into bore P (fig. 6-7) of the
to retain adjusting ring 91 and valve stop 99. Be sure
oil transfer plate, in the sequence indicated by numbers
that pin 92 seats in the same grooves in ring 91 it was
54 through 58.
seated in prior to removal.
(23) Position the oil transfer plate, channeled side
(12) Install the components into bore J (fig. 6-7), in
upward, on the work table.
the sequence indicated by numbers 33 through 36.
(24) Using the chart in figure 6-6 as a guide, install
(13) Install adjusting ring 85 (B, foldout 16), flat side
the correct number of check valve balls in their proper
first and at the same position as before removal.
positions. Retain each ball with a small quantity of oil
Compress the spring, and install retainer pin 86 into the
soluble grease.
valve body to retain adjusting ring 85 and valve stop 84.
Be sure that the retainer pin is seated in the same
grooves in the adjusting ring as before removal.
Failure to retain the balls with oil soluble grease
(14) Install the components into bore K (fig. 6-7), in
may result in balls being accidentally misplaced
the sequence indicated by numbers 37 through 40.
during subsequent assembly steps.
(15) Install adjusting ring 80 (B, foldout 16), flat side
(25) Lay separator plate 23 (B, foldout 16)onto the
first and at the same position as before removal.
oil transfer plate so that their bolt holes aline. Grasp the
Compress the spring, and install retainer pin 75 into the
two plates together, invert them, and position them on
valve body to retain adjusting ring 80 and valve stop 79.
the assembled control valve body so that priority valve 67
Be sure that the retainer pin is seated in the same
is compressed against spring 66 and into valve body 24.
grooves in the adjusting ring as before removal.