Para 6-22
Fig. 6-57. Installing piston into rear cover
Fig. 6-58 Installing output shaft orifice plug
Figure 6-58. Installing output shaft orifice plug.
(7) Remove the seal protector. Install 30 springs
(11) Press the speedometer drive gear, spacer
(Fig. 6-53). Install the spring retainer, cupped side first,
sleeve, and bearing onto the rear output shaft (Fig. 6-
onto the springs.
52). Install the assembled shaft.
Fig. 6-58 Installing output shaft orifice plug
2), compress the retainer and springs (Fig. 6-53). Install
(12) On assemblies before S/N 5660, install the
bevelled snapring (bevel toward rear of transmission) as
shown inf igure 6-51 On later transmissions, the snapring
(9) If the orifice plug was removed f r o m the output
is not bevelled. Be certain that the proper snapring is
shaft, install a new plug, orificed side first (Fig. 6-58).
used to match the groove in the housing. Be sure the
Use installer 34 (Fig. 4-3) to properly position the plug in
snapring is expanded fully into the groove.
the shaft. In each model, the plug must clear the
chamfer at the front of the plug bore in the output shaft.
(13) Coat the outer circumference of the output shaft
oil seal with nonhardening sealer. Install the oil seal,
(10) If the bushing was removed from the front of the
spring-loaded lip first. Use installer 26 and driver handle
output shaft, install a new bushing (Fig. 6-59).
28 (Fig. 4-3) to locate the rear of the seal 0. 60 to 0.70
Locate the bushing in the shaft with installer 31
inch (15. 2 to 17.8 mm) in front of the parking brake
(Fig. 4-3). The bushing is 0. 145 to 0. 165 inch (3. 68
mounting surface plane (fig.
to 4.19 mm) from the front of the shaft.